2010-2011 – 1 year internship at CNRS-AIST JRL in Tsukuba (Japan).
During this one year internship I had the opportunity to work on HRP-2 platform, mainly on developping a vision server framework and an object recognition plugin.
2012 – 6 months internship at HRI (Honda Research Institute) in Wako (Japan).
For 6 months I worked on a project to create an English teacher from a robot. The robot had to be able to interact and speak with several human. I mainly worked on image and sound processing using a kinect and multi-channel microphone. I also use Markov Logic Network to assess the situation according to the input data.
2013-2016 – 3 years PhD at LAAS-CNRS in Toulouse (France).
I am curently in my 2 year of my PhD. My goal is to make the robot socialy acceptable by the human by making it understand the situation and react through dialogue on a socialy acceptable manner. To do so, The robot uses the ability of perspective taking to infer the other agents belief state and react accordingly.